SA Pride - Posted by
All houses are looking good with plants and fruit looking healthy.Mostly cloudy days with considerable showers at the start and middle of the week. Daily temperatures ranged between 19°C – 27°C. Overnight temperatures ranged between 11°C - 15°C.
Harvest volumes are reasonable.
Fruit quality is excellent. Fruit size is medium – medium/large. Ripeness is 1⁄2 - 3⁄4.
The overcast and rainy conditions from last week have continued into this week and has caused a slight drop in harvest volumes. All houses however, are looking good with plants and fruit looking healthy. The quality of the fruit has remained excellent as we are still seeing good fruit size. We are also finalising the last few stages of preparation for the planting of the last few houses. Originally we planned to plant in mid-December, but have rescheduled to plant in early December.