
QLD Pride

QLD Pride - Posted by

We will be out of this possibly affected fruit by mid next week.
Significant rain earlier in the week, which cleared up as the week progressed with mostly sunny days. Daily temperatures between 21°C - 28°C. Overnight temperatures between 12°C - 18°C.
Smaller volumes harvested.
Fruit quality is good. Fruit size is medium – medium/large. Ripeness is ½ - ¾.
The rain we had early in the week did not allow us to pick for 3 days. We only received 50ml of which the bulk came down in a matter of 10-15 minutes. That enabled the water to get away quickly and allowed us to go in sooner than usual. Remarkably, the fruit is looking good with very minimal cracking and weather mark. We will be out of this possibly affected fruit by mid next week. At this stage, all is looking well and the later patches are thriving with the rain and warmer weather.