
Tassie Pride - Posted by

The mature plants are still producing good quality fruit.
Cloudy days with heavy rain later in the week. Daily temperatures ranged between 16°C - 25°C. Overnight temperatures ranged between 11°C - 15°C.
Harvest volumes for tomatoes are reasonable. Harvest volumes for capsicums are reasonable.
Quality of the tomatoes is very good. Quality of the capsicums is excellent.
Capsicum plants have been steady this week. The overcast days have slowed down productivity slightly, but the plants are still producing reasonable volumes of good quality fruit. We forecast that harvest volumes for capsicums should pick up within the next two weeks. Tomatoes are coming on well. The mature plants are still producing good quality fruit and the younger plants are a few weeks away from producing.

SA Pride - Posted by

The plants are now loaded with fruit again.
Cloudy days with mostly warmer temperatures,. Daily temperatures ranged between 23°C - 38°C. Overnight temperatures ranged between 13°C - 21°C.
Larger volumes harvested.
Quality is good. Fruit size is medium – medium/large. Ripeness is ½ - ¾ colour.
Last week’s heatwave over the course of the weekend was well managed with no sign of stress to the plants. The plants are now loaded with fruit again and we are very happy with the firmness and quality that we are harvesting.

Gillieston Fresh Produce - Posted by

The warmer conditions have brought the fruit on.
Mostly cloudy days with some minor rain. Daily temperatures ranged between 23°C - 34°C. Overnight temperatures ranged between 12°C - 18°C.
Larger volumes harvested.
Quality is excellent. Fruit size is medium. Ripeness is ¾ colour.
The warmer conditions have brought the fruit on. Quality is excellent and looking to maintain this standard in the coming weeks. Patch 1 is finished and we have cleaned up patch 3. Harvest quantities will ease slightly next week.

Tassie Pride Glasshouse - Posted by

We are busy harvesting as volumes have increased.
Mostly sunny days with some light rain throughout the week. Daily temperatures ranged between 19°C - 23°C. Overnight temperatures ranged between 7°C - 19°C.
Harvest volumes of tomatoes and capsicums are well up from last week.
Quality of the tomatoes is good. Quality of the capsicums are excellent.
We are very busy this week as we are catching up on our harvesting schedule particularly when it comes to tomatoes. We are busy harvesting as volumes have increased for both capsicums and tomatoes, considering the overcast days we have had. Quality remains optimal and we are very happy with how the fruit has also held up this week. Next week looks to be a repeat of this week.

SA Pride - Posted by

We are happy with the first harvest of the season.
Mostly sunny days with hot, but fluctuating daily temperatures. Daily temperatures ranged between 20°C - 38°C. Overnight temperatures ranged between 14°C - 20°C.
Lighter volumes harvested.
Quality is good. Fruit size is medium/large – large. Ripeness is ½ - ¾ colour.
We are happy with the first harvest of the season as harvest volumes and quality have exceeded expectations. Our focus this week still remains on harvesting, but plant maintenance will be a priority as we are forecast to receive very hot temperatures over the weekend. We will be harvesting again before the weekend to mitigate further plant stress and in turn ensure fruit quality and healthy ripening.

Gillieston Fresh Produce - Posted by

We are now well into harvesting our second patch.
Mostly sunny days with some rain and wind throughout the week. Daily temperatures ranged between 20°C - 36°C. Overnight temperatures ranged between 11°C - 20°C.
Larger volumes harvested.
Quality is good. Fruit size is medium. Ripeness is ½ - ¾ colour
We are now well into harvesting our second patch. We are very happy with the harvest volumes and quality has also held up well. We have had very humid and hot conditions, which has placed the plants under some degree of stress so fruit is slightly redder, but very typical for this time of year.